Have you been feeling stress or anxiety lately? Have these feelings led to bouts of depression? Are the nights filled with tossing and turning because your mind just can't shut down? Does this restless sleep drain your energy and seem to decrease your focus and concentration during the day? 

If you answered yes to these questions, understand that you're not alone. Studies have shown that 2020 was one of the most stressful years on record, and it has affected over 80% of people living in the United States. That's quite astonishing to read, though, not entirely surprising as we all were dealing with a pandemic. But thankfully, there are a couple of options available to everyone to decrease your life stress to adding more bliss. These alternatives are merely adding a yoga and meditation practice into your life.


We already know that yoga's physical practice can improve their flexibility, mobility, and overall body strength. What's incredible is that the popularity of yoga over the last 20 years has brought on many scientific studies showing its numerous psychological benefits. Here are a few.


Seated Meditation.jpeg


PSYCHOLOGICAL (mental health, emotional) BENEFITS: 


  • Reduced sleep and sleep disturbance

  • Reduced anxiety and negative affect

  • Reduced depression

  • Increased feelings of well-being

  • Improved coping

Another alternative to increasing your overall mental wellness is doing Meditation. If you were unaware of what Meditation is, it is a mental exercise that will increase cognitive awareness. Some examples of Meditation are concentrating on the breath, focusing on one or many objects, and repeating a phrase/mantra or prayer.


Here are a few of those benefits.




  • Improved concentration

  • Sharper focus

  • Increased mental clarity

  • Increased ability to be present


Here is a Meditation exercise to help improve your focus and calm the mind.


 Thumb to Index Finger Meditation. Come into a comfortable seated position or lie on your back and relax the face, neck, and shoulders muscles. With gentle pressure, bring your index fingers and thumbs together. Allow for your breath to deepen and begin making circles with the thumbs and index fingers. As the meditation exercise continues, you'll lighten the touch even more and proceed to slow down the rotation-making process. Slow down to the point that the thumbs are barely moving. Continue to focus on every movement by the thumbs and continue to lengthen your breath as well. Stay here for 5-10 minutes, then release the thumb and finger, and be aware of how you feel. The concept of this Meditation is to become aware of sensations and being in the moment. Meditation will help slow your mind down to ease anxiety, stress, and tension at the moment and in your life.


Another helpful way to navigate these scary times is to find a therapist to discuss these issues. 

Therapy is something that I can personally attest to as extremely helpful for my mental health before and during the pandemic.


Remember, we all subject to anxiety and depression every day. It's not easy to face them, but hopefully, now you understand that you do have options to help you out. By choosing to make yoga, meditation, and therapy a daily ritual in your life, you'll add healthy alternatives to help you find balance and harmony in your life... 

