Has the start of the hoilday season brought on feelings of stress or anxiety? Have these feelings led to bouts of depression? Are your nights filled with tossing and turning because your mind can't shut down? Guess what? You're not alone. Harvard Medical School shared in a recent study that sixty-two percent of people report feeling stressed during the hoilday season. In another study, The American Psychological Association says that Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the world's most common mental health disorders, and MDD is higher during the holidays.
Thankfully, several options are available to decrease stress and add more bliss. These alternatives are merely adding a yoga and meditation practice into your life. We already know that yoga's physical exercise can improve flexibility, mobility, and overall body strength. What's incredible is that the popularity of yoga over the last 20 years has brought on many scientific studies showing its numerous psychological benefits.
The APA did a 2017 meta-analysis of 23 interventions looking at the effects of yoga-based treatments on depressive symptoms, overwhelmingly concluding that yoga can now be considered an effective alternative treatment for MDD.
Medical News Today reports that scientists are now learning the mechanisms behind how yoga lowers stress.
Persistent surges of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, may damage blood vessels and elevate blood pressure.
Research shows that people who practice yoga regularly have low cortisol levels.
Studies have also found that practicing yoga for at least three months may lower cortisol and perceived stress.
The APA's recent studies report that meditation, breath work, and auditory rituals, like chanting and sound baths, have also been shown to lessen tension and relieve stress significantly.
That's all encouraging news! Now, let's put it into practice.
Here are the eight yoga poses and a bonus meditation exercise to help decrease stress and anxiety and help you feel less depressed.
Child’s Pose
Cow Pose
Cat Pose
Low Lunge
Warrior One
Cow Facing Forward Fold
Seated Meditation
Thumb to Index Finger Meditation. Come into a comfortable seated position, lie on your back, and relax the face, neck, and shoulder muscles. With gentle pressure, bring your index fingers and thumbs together. Allow your breath to deepen, and make circles with the thumbs and index fingers. As the meditation exercise continues, you'll lighten the touch even more and proceed to slow down the rotation-making process. Slow down to the point that the thumbs are barely moving. Continue to focus on every movement by the thumbs and continue to lengthen your breath as well. Stay here for 5-10 minutes, then release the thumb and finger, and be aware of how you feel. The concept of this meditation is to become aware of sensations and be in the moment. Meditation will help slow your mind down to ease anxiety, stress, and tension at the moment and your life.