You’re running and you can’t stop because it will catch you. You run continuously for a day, and then for another day and then for a week, but yet it keeps up. Though you tire from running and are exhausted, the monster seems to have endless energy and waits to eventually overtake you. You finally stop because you cannot run any longer and scream, “What are you”! It stops, stares coldly, and venomously answers’ “ I’m stress”…
Stress. It is a monster that consumes everyone. It doesn’t show prejudice according to your race, religion, or to your political standing. It shows no mercy once it hits, and it hits like a freight train. Did you know according to the American Institute of Stress that 77% of people experience stress that affects their overall physical health? They also report that 73% of people have stress that impacts their mental health. Finally, it’s reported that 48% of people have trouble sleeping because of stress. You may be reading this and say, “ Wow, just throw in towel because the stress monster has won”. But what if I can tell you that there is some hope in battling the stress monster? What if I can tell you that you are actually closer to defending against, or maybe even defeating the stress monster than you realize? How do you say? The answer is by adding a yoga practice into your life.
Supported shoulder stand on a block or at a wall is a great pose to increase your parasymphathetic nervous system to ward of stress and anxiety.
Yoga is a physical exercise that has been shown to decrease stress by improving the circulatory system. That means a stronger circulatory system will increase circulating more blood flow into the amygdala and the hippocampus of the brain. That’s important because these areas of the brain help to control your overall motivation, mood, and how you deal with stress. Okay, yoga helps with the circulatory system, check. What else? Yoga helps to increase your parasympathetic nervous system and helps to reduce the sympathetic nervous system. What is the difference between the 2 you ask? The SNS is your fight or flight response and simply my friends, it’s running wild! In today's’ world, everyone has seen an increase in SNS because of the use of technology. Social media, emailing for work, hello, Zoom meetings, anyone? We’re on it all the time and our SNS has become overloaded by that stimulus and it can’t seem to shut down. That is unless we quiet the SNS by increasing the PNS. The PNS is like our own personal chill pill with no side effects. When you do yoga, the PNS gains control over the SNS thus releasing the hormone acetylcholine, which slows the heart rate. This reduced heart rate helps to decrease anxiety and move you into a more relaxed state. Thus allowing you to be able to remain calm even during stressful times. Oh, and another great reason to raise your PSNS is that it will help you have a more restful night's sleep.
1/2 Frog is a wonderful pose to ground you in the present and to calm the racing mind.
So the next time you’re feeling stressed because of life’s challenges don’t reach for that cigarette. Instead, roll out your mat and remind yourself of all the healing benefits that yoga has to offer you. That simple reminder should be enough but here’s a mantra to repeat to yourself if you forget. “One yoga practice a day will keep the stress monster away”.