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The ride to Victoria

I'm sitting in a café, quietly sipping coffee on the morning after the Yoga for Athletes Clinic that I hosted last night at the MEC store. The weather is incredible! The sun is bright and the temperature is just perfect:)

I wanted to share some pictures from the fun ferry ride I took from Vancouver to Victoria, as well as some shots from the clinic.



A little peacock anyone?

A little peacock anyone?

Selfie with my new hat:) 

Selfie with my new hat:) 

Boom Baby!!

Boom Baby!!

Lecture at the beginning of the clinic

Lecture at the beginning of the clinic

Open that heart:)

Open that heart:)

The twist at the end of our practice

The twist at the end of our practice

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Vancouver was a smashing success!

Good morning to all of you great people! I hope all is swell for you in Midwest( though I've seen it's raining and chilly there;() as it is for me here in the Western part of Canada!

Last nights clinic at the MEC was AWESOME! There was a great turnout, a strong participation of our practice, and thoughtful questions from the class about how yoga can help them in their training.   I feel so honored to be a resource for the people so far in Calgary and here in Vancouver. I can't wait for tonight!!!


Speaking of tonight...

I had better get going so I won't miss the ferry to Victoria and the third clinic on this Canadian tour.


More to come..

Discussing and fielding questions from the group:) 

Discussing and fielding questions from the group:) 

A strong practice is of focus, dedication, and being present.

A strong practice is of focus, dedication, and being present.

 Dolphin plank is in full bloom:)

 Dolphin plank is in full bloom:)


Calgary stop on the YFA Tour

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Calgary stop on the YFA Tour

Good morning to you all from Calgary! I had an amazing clinic last night at the MEC store here and I couldn't have been more pleased with the reception. The people in attendance were excited to learn some news ways to help with their recovery from their training for marathons, bike races, and hiking expeditions.

A new part of this tour  is raffling off a prAna  yoga mat at the end the clinic! So our first winner was Holly from Calgary! What was awesome is that Holly's mom and grandmother also were in attendance for the clinic! Now that's what I call a true family hat trick;) 


Well, I'm off to Vancouver to host the second clinic on the tour:)


More to come!


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From the USA to Canada!

Good morning to everyone! I'm in the Minneapolis International Airport waiting for my flight to my first stop on the 2014 Yoga for Athletes Canadian tour:) I'll be in Calgary at the MEC store on 10th Ave and the clinic will start at 5pm(an early time on the tour).  I hope to arrive early enough so I can get to MEC and help out on the floor before the clinic starts: )

More to come, 

